From descriptive representation to substantive representation in Peru

congress women’s political participation in the 2020-2021 period




Political parties, Substantive-representation, Descriptive-representation, Feminism, Congress


Women’s representation in politics is not only understood because of the affirmative measures adopted in political parties, but also due to the attention directed to women’s petitions in the decision-making process, which is known by substantive representation. This research has been though in a quantitative perspective with the aim to review how many women such as candidates and parliamentarians have participated, this is descriptive representation, and also the number of laws published in the The Peruvian diary related to empower women’s rights in the 2020 extraordinary congress period happened in Peru. The results show few laws made by women owing to the brief period and a minor quantity of women elected; however, tree out of four goals related to women’s rights in a Feminist Agenda have been legislated, which are about economics, politics, education, and health. Women’s representation, in both ways, has been weakened, but these women have guaranteed a descriptive representation for the next electoral period and forward.


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How to Cite

Niño de Guzman, S. X. (2021). From descriptive representation to substantive representation in Peru: congress women’s political participation in the 2020-2021 period. Sapienza: International Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 2(1), 400–418.